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Showing 65 - 80 of 152 results

Benefit leaflet template

Help staff fully understand and appreciate the value of working for your organisation by promoting your reward offer and the NHS Pension Scheme.

17 May 2022

Local clinical excellence awards 2021-2022

Steps employers need to take to ensure they have calculated the necessary funds for investment across the four years covered by interim arrangements.

25 January 2022

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training

Published by the NHS Staff Council, this is a framework for the delivery of mandatory NHS equality, diversity and inclusion training for all staff.

15 October 2021

Welfare facilities for healthcare staff

The health, safety and wellbeing group (HSWG) has produced a welfare facilities guidance document for healthcare staff.

13 September 2021

Key dates for the McCloud remedy

Our timeline resource provides a summary of the process for removing age discrimination from public sector schemes and actions for employers.

7 June 2021

Working and training in the NHS

Guidance for overseas-qualified medical practitioners, which provides information about work and training opportunities and immigration requirements.

19 May 2021

Inclusive recruitment

Report featuring case studies from a range public, private, and voluntary sector organisations to support employers to embed inclusive recruitment.

12 April 2021

Specialist grade appointment guidance

Resources for employers to help transition associate specialists to the new specialist grade as part of the SAS contract reform 2021.

12 April 2021

Events & webinars

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