ICB Chief People Officer Peer Network

A space for integrated care boards (ICBs) chief people officers (CPO) to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.
A nurse showing compassion to a patient.

The ICB CPO peer network has been established to bring together CPOs from across the 42 integrated care systems (ICSs). 

The role of ICSs is to improve outcomes in population health, tackle inequalities, enhance productivity and support social and economic development. Successful ICSs will develop a culture that attracts people to work in and for their community and supports them to achieve their full potential.  

ICBs have a vital role in leading and assessing the progress of the NHS People Plan, strengthening collaboration among health and care partners and ensuring local people plans align with the ICS partnership strategy. 

This network will support CPOs in delivering these objectives. 

Contact the ICB Chief People Officer Peer Network

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