Job evaluation

Find out about the NHS job evaluation process and access resources to help you in your organisation.
An abstract image of orange ovals on a navy background.

The NHS Job Evaluation (JE) Scheme is used to determine the pay bands for all posts under the NHS terms and conditions of service (Agenda for Change) and supports equal pay for more than one million NHS staff.

The NHS JE Scheme measures the skills, responsibilities and effort that are required for a job, and allocates it to a pay band. It does this by matching jobs to national job profiles or evaluating jobs locally, to set the basic pay for staff. 

The NHS Staff Council Job Evaluation Group (JEG) maintains the scheme and provides guidance and advice to organisations to support their job evaluation work.

Join the NHS JE Community of Practice

If you are an employer-side job evaluation lead, staff-side job evaluation lead or HR with job evaluation responsibilities, join our Community of Practice to network and share best practice with other JE leads across the service.

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Maintaining capacity

Read top tips in ensuring your organisation always has capacity for job evaluation.

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