Equality, diversity and inclusion

Supporting NHS trusts to create a fairer and more diverse workplace, where difference is welcomed.
Two people having a sign language conversation.

Using the latest evidence and research, we champion action on the ground to improve staff experience and organisational culture. Our work is underpinned by the NHS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Improvement Plan, it also links to the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan and is shaped by three principles: leadership, accountability and equity. These principles are echoed in the NHS People Plan and specifically the ambitions to look after our people and create a sense of belonging in our workplaces. 

Through our national Diversity in Health and Care Partners Programme we are supporting organisations to develop their diversity and inclusion strategy. We also develop and share EDI guidance and good practice, deliver national inclusion campaigns and help organisations to support staff with disabilities.

We are part of the NHS Confederation’s wider EDI directorate who are working with the wider health and social care system to tackle health inequalities for patients. We also working closely with our EDI leadership networks which include: Health and Care Women Leaders NetworkHealth and Care LGBTQ+ Leaders Network and BME Leadership Network.  

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