NHS Job Evaluation Community of Practice (CoP)

Supported by NHS Employers, this community of practice is for staff-side and employer-side job evaluation (JE) leads from local organisations.
A diverse group of young people using a row of computers.

As part of our job evaluation engagement programme, NHS Employers will be supporting the evolution of the Job Evaluation Community of Practice (CoP). This national programme will be delivered in partnership with the Job Evaluation Group (JEG) and is also open to and inclusive of the devolved nations and administrations.  

The CoP engagement programme does not replace local processes, it is there to provide a platform for system-wide networking, aimed specifically at job evaluation leads.  

By joining the group, you will have regular opportunities to meet both virtually and in person and serve as an advisory group on matters relating to the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme, job evaluation practice and equal pay issues.  

  • •    To build a community of job evaluation leads with an emphasis on knowledge and practice exchange.
    •    To support local initiatives to build job evaluation capacity.
    •    To provide access to expert advice and guidance on relevant issues.
    •    To create a direct link between the community group and the JEG.
    •    To create a safe space for development, problem solving and seeking advice.

  • •    Early access to job evaluation related updates.
    •    Support with increasing job evaluation engagement.
    •    Support and advice on navigating job evaluation and equal pay issues.
    •    Increased awareness of NHS Employers and their work.
    •    Increased awareness of the JEG and their responsibilities. 
    •    Increased understanding of the NHS Staff Council and their responsibilities.
    •    The exchange/sharing of good job evaluation practice from across the NHS.
    •    Networking opportunities.


  • As this is primarily a group to share experience and learning, membership is restricted to those in the service who have a coordinating/lead role for job evaluation in their organisations. This includes employer-side, staff-side and also HR with job evaluation responsibility. 

    It is not for staff who sit on panels, although it is our hope that the leads will cascade information to all their local practitioners.

    If you do not match this criteria but wish to receive more information on job evaluation, please visit our job evaluation web page or email us directly

  • The role of the job evaluation leads is to support the organisation to maintain specialist detailed knowledge of the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme and processes. They will be experienced JE practitioners, with one representing management and one representing, and appointed by, a recognised trade unions/staff-side in the organisation. 

    Partnership working is an essential requisite of the JE Scheme. It is essential that the organisation has a partnership pair of job evaluation leads, together they share the responsibility and ownership of the JE processes and how they operate within the organisation, supports the transparency and integrity of the process.  

    See full definition of job evaluation lead.

  • If you are a job evaluation lead and wish to become a member of the job evaluation community of practice, please register your interest by completing the form further down on the web page.

    Should you require further information or wish to end your membership, please contact us.

Membership overview

Ensure that your region is represented in the community. Join the JE Community of Practice below.

Expression of interest to join the Job Evaluation Community of Practice