Flexible working enablers poster

The NHS People Plan sets out an ask for the NHS staff council to work alongside NHS England (NHSE) to develop guidance to support employers to make flexible working a reality for our NHS staff.
From this, we have created this poster in partnership with the NHS Staff Council detailing the ten enablers to flexible working.
Flexible working forms a crucial part of creating modern and inclusive employment practices. More action is needed to increase the uptake of flexible working across the NHS, to recruit and retain diverse talent and ensure that the NHS is an employer of choice.
As part of the NHS People Plan, the NHS People Promise sets out a series of commitments, one of which is we work flexibly which states:
We do not have to sacrifice our family, our friends or our interests for work.
We have predictable and flexible working patterns – and, if we do need to take time off, we are supported to do so.
This ambition is to give people greater choice over their working patterns, helping them to achieve a better work-life balance.
Use this resource to help focus your conversations on flexible working.
Find out more about each of the enablers and access practical guidance, tips and relevant examples of best practice in our flexible working enablers for change.