Job evaluation training

In line with the national NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, every job evaluation practitioner is required be up to date on current practices, before they take part in local panels/processes (including consistency checking).
On behalf of the NHS Staff Council, NHS Employers offers a range of skills based, practical training courses for prospective and experienced practitioners. All courses are delivered virtually and in partnership by experienced, Job Evaluation Group (JEG) approved trainers.
Which job evaluation course is for me?
The JEG has developed a number of courses that cover the full scope of the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme. All courses should be completed in order, as the second, third and fourth courses require attendees to have a level of experience in NHS job evaluation.
A course for new and inexperienced members of staff in job evaluation.
Job matching is the main method of undertaking job evaluation (JE) within the NHS.
All practitioners that sit on matching panels should be trained to ensure they understand the scheme and the methodology it uses. As all JE work should be completed in partnership, we try to run this course with equal numbers of management and staff-side representation.
Please follow this quick guide to job matching for further information.
This is a course for those who have already completed the stage 1: job matching course, with a good understanding of job evaluation and a desire to undertake consistency checking in their organisation.
All job evaluation outcomes must go through consistency checking. This work is often undertaken by the two job evaluation leads, or alternatively, an experienced partnership pair who are up to date in JE practices.
Stage 3: Job analysis and job evaluation
This course is course designed for experienced job matchers who will have some understanding of how to assign values across the 16 factors.
On the rare occasion that a role is so specialised and unique that it cannot be matched to a national job profile, it must be fully evaluated. This requires analysis and evaluation by trained practitioners of the job analysis questionnaire that is agreed by the post holder and/or line manager. Most roles match to profiles, so an organisation would not need to train all practitioners in analysis and evaluation, but a select few, experienced practitioners.
This is a condensed course to be completed by job evaluation practitioners every two-four years to remain up to date with job evaluation practices.
Why choose the NHS Staff Council training?
The benefits of choosing NHS Staff Council training, rather than training from other providers, for your organisation are set out below:
- It is the only training that is endorsed by the NHS Staff Council.
- Its trainers receive ongoing support and development updates, including on the work of NHS Staff Council and the Job Evaluation Group.
- Training courses are guaranteed to be delivered in partnership.
- The training materials are regularly updated in line with changes in the NHS.
- All trainers give a commitment to uphold the integrity of the NHS job evaluation scheme.
Like all JE practices, our JE training courses should be completed in partnership, with equal numbers of management and staff side representation.