
Stage 2: Consistency checking course

This one-day training is designed for experienced job evaluation practitioners and those who wish to train as members of consistency checking panels.

24 June 2024

What is consistency checking?

Consistency checking is a vital element of job evaluation. It is carried out on outcomes of the job matching or job evaluation processes and is designed to check outcomes against each other to avoid inconsistency and potential equal pay risk.

More on consistency checking.

Virtual consistency checking course

Aims of the course

  • To know how to carry out consistency checking of job matching or job evaluation outcomes.
  • To know how to follow up any anomalies discovered when checking outcomes.
  • To know how to complete the appropriate documentation.

Outcomes of the course

  • Successful completion of this course will enable delegates to sit on consistency checking panels.
  • Participants will not be qualified to train other individuals in job evaluation consistency checking. Only those approved by the NHS Staff Council Job Evaluation Group are qualified to deliver training in partnership.

Course capacity:

  • Minimum of 12
  • Maximum of 16
  • We heavily advise that the course is completed in partnership, i.e. an equal weighting of management and staff side representation.

Course cost:

  • One-day consistency checking training 

    Commissioned £2,000+VAT

    Organisations need to allow additional printing costs for core materials, approximately £280 if printing is done by an external company.

    Centralised  £170.00+VAT per person 

    Payment can be made by debit and credit card or by requesting an invoice, which will incur a 5% admin charge on top of the training fees.


Course format:

  • The virtual one-day consistency checking course runs from 9:30 to no later than 17:00 and is delivered via Zoom.
  • All participants must attend and actively participate on both training days to receive a certificate of completion.
  • Unfortunately, due to the density of the course content any time missed away from the session will result in a failure to pass the course.

Course materials:

  • Core course materials that require printing will be emailed in advance.
  • All course materials will be hosted virtually through a learning platform. However, we heavily advise that core materials are printed ahead of the course.
  • It is the responsibility of the commissioner to ensure that all necessary material is printed and distributed amongst the delegates ahead of the course.

How do I commission a course?

NHS Employers are in the process of developing a one-day virtual offer for the consistency checking course. 

If you would like to express an interest in commissioning a virtual consistency checking course, please complete a request form.

How do I book onto a centralised course?

The centralised consistency checking offer is available for individual bookings or organisations that have fewer than 12 members of staff in need of training.