
Total Reward Statements mid-year refresh

Update your total reward statement (TRS) data by Friday 11 October 2024.

27 September 2024

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHS BSA) is carrying out a mid-year refresh to improve the quality of the information provided in TRS.

Before the refresh, you will need to make sure the data in your employee staff record system is up to date by Friday 11 October.

NHS BSA produces a mid-year set of statements by re-running the pension calculations to capture the cleansed and updated data. The refreshed statements are generally available in December each year and will include any updates or changes to data made since the last update.

Your key pension data cleansing tasks and other important activities employers must undertake can be found in NHS BSA’s employer toolkit.

The toolkit includes:

You may also use our total reward statements timeline poster to keep up to date with key milestones throughout the year.