Clinical practitioner band 8ab profile review

Employers are asked to respond to a short survey on a new national job matching profile for clinical practitioners at band 8ab.
The NHS Job Evaluation Group has drafted a further national job matching profile for clinical practitioners at bands 8ab in response to issues raised in the service regarding roles that do not have an obvious clinical occupation grouping. Please note: There are already profiles for such roles band 6 and 7.
The NHS Staff Council executive has agreed that this draft should now undergo an eight-week consultation period.
Respond to the consultation:
- View and review the proposed draft profile.
- Provide general feedback and information on the roles you would use such a profile for - complete our short survey.
This consultation will run until Friday 9 May 2025. Comments received will be considered by NHS Job Evaluation Group to confirm or further amend the draft profiles before advising the NHS Staff Council on publication.