
Job evaluation self assessment checklist

Job evaluation leads will be able to work through the checklist in partnership and use their findings to create an action plan and report back.
Employment relations support

22 April 2020

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The NHS Agenda For Change agreement is underpinned by an analytical Job Evaluation Scheme that was designed, by employers and trade unions in partnership, to reflect the complexities of health service jobs and career structures and the unique nature of the work undertaken by NHS staff.

The NHS Job Evaluation Scheme (JES) is:

  • jointly owned and run by employers and trade unions in partnership
  • a system for comparing different jobs, applying agreed rules
  • a way of establishing an internal rank order of jobs using agreed demand weighting
  • an assessment of all significant job demands but only measures them once
  • a measurement of jobs and not the people doing those jobs
  • free from bias
  • transparent and has a review procedure.

The NHS JES remains, therefore, an essential tool for:

  • deciding the banding of new posts
  • re-considering the banding of existing posts that have changed significantly
  • applying the correct banding to posts affected by service redesign or organisational change.

Download this checklist to help you assess your organisation’s performance on job evaluation. Job evaluation leads will be able to work through the checklist in partnership and use their findings to create an action plan and report back.