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Blog posts

Showing 65 - 80 of 104 results

Why work in healthcare science?

Healthcare Science Week runs from 14 March - 20 March and is an annual celebration and awareness-raising campaign for careers in healthcare science.

16 March 2022

Supporting neurodivergent colleagues in the NHS

As part of Neurodiversity Celebration Week 21-27 March 2022, Benjamin Ford discusses the importance of supporting neurodivergent colleagues in the NHS

16 March 2022

Love admin week

Read how Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) designed a campaign to recognise and develop its administrative and clerical colleagues.

10 March 2022

How I approach compassionate leadership

For this blog, we spoke to Sue Ramsey, clinical specialist physiotherapist at East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust.

8 February 2022

Heroes unmasked podcast series

Read Lindsey Porter's blog on Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust's development of a new podcast series.

4 February 2022

De-biasing recruitment

A blog by Alison Smith looking at NHS England and NHS Improvement London's interactive toolkit which could help you to de-bias recruitment processes.

2 February 2022

Colleague recognition using Microsoft Teams

Read how this organisation has developed a new way to recognise and reward its staff with a peer to peer recognition app on MS Teams.

20 December 2021

Hidden in plain sight

Tom Hayhoe, Chair of West London NHS Trust and co-founder of the Disabled NHS Directors’ Network talks about what three statues can teach us.

3 December 2021

Lights, camera, culture!

Explore the metaphor of theatre in relation to culture change and a new resource from the Do OD network.

27 September 2021

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