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Blog posts

Showing 17 - 32 of 104 results

SAS: an alternate career pathway

Dr Katie Shellis writes about what being a SAS doctor means to her and the journey so far to celebrate #SASWeek23

9 October 2023

Staff voices matter

Director of staff experience and engagement at NHS England John Drew explains the power of the NHS Staff Survey and why employee voices matter.

9 October 2023

Reward and benefits champions

Read how Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust uses reward champions to communicate its reward offering effectively.

13 July 2023

Becoming a specialist - a SAS perspective

Rob Fleming provides insights into his journey from specialty doctor to a specialist and encourages all employers to recruit specialty doctors.

20 June 2023

There's no secret to staff engagement

A blog by Steven Weeks exploring the lessons that can be taken from the 2022 NHS Staff Survey and how they can be applied across the service.

9 June 2023

What is the experience of LGBTQ+ NHS staff?

The NHS Staff Survey highlights the inequalities faced by LGBTQ+ staff and is a measure of how our healthcare system cares for those who care for us.

17 May 2023

Preceptorship for maternity support workers

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust tell us about their flexible maternity support worker (MSW) role and preceptorship programme.

25 April 2023

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