South engagement team

The engagement service for the south of England covers the geographical area from Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, right across to the Kent Coast.
Through proactive engagement with the HR community, the team aims to support HR leaders and workforce partners by sharing best practice, expertise and knowledge in order to drive up the quality of care for both patients and staff.
HR director networks
There are two HR director networks in this region, and we encourage all HR and workforce leaders in the NHS to attend our regular meetings in order to share best practice and tackle strategic workforce issues affecting employers.
South West HR Directors Network - chaired by Steven Keith, director of people at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, and Emma Wood, chief people officer and deputy chief executive and at University Hospital Bristol.
South East HR Directors Network - chaired by Don Fairley, director of workforce at Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, Andrea Ashman, chief people officer at East Kent Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust and Cheryl Newsome, director of workforce at Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
For more information on these networks, please email the south engagement team.
Partnership working
We facilitate partnership working in the South of England via two Regional Social Partnership Forums: the Regional South West Social Partnership Forum and the Regional Joint South East Social Partnership Forum. For more information about these forums, visit the SPF regions web page.