Indifference in NHS agile workers as a ‘red flag’ for burnout

Join our next agiLab workshop that will explore expressions of indifference as ‘red flags’ for reducing burnout.
agiLab is a collaboration between University of Sussex and the NHS to develop research led best practice for effective agile working.
Dr Emma Russell and Dr Smadar Cohen-Chen will be showcasing findings from three phases of their research study into expressions of indifference among agile working NHS staff.
Phase one and two findings
In this study, in phase one, Russell and Cohen-Chen found that when different groups of workers express indifference (rather than negative or neutral emotions) about their agile work, they receive less empathy and more hostility from their colleagues.
This is a concern, because, as found in phase two of the study, workers who express indifference are at a significant risk of developing burnout. In other words, just when these ‘indifferent’ workers most need support and sympathy from their colleagues, this is not forthcoming.
Phase three
If indifference expressions in NHS workers are a ‘red flag’ for burnout and are currently being overlooked, interventions could help to redress this. Russell and Cohen-Chen examined this in Phase three of the research programme.
In an online experiment, NHS workers were presented with ‘indifference awareness’ training, to understand if this improved helping behaviours and empathy shown towards their indifferent agile working colleagues.
The session will involve presentation of research findings and a discussion of what this means for changing mindsets and behaviours towards colleagues at risk of burnout in the NHS.
Following the research presentation, best practice exemplars from NHS staff tackling burnout amongst agile workers, will be presented.
Webinar recording
After the event, the webinar recording will only be accessible to registered delegates and members of agiLab.
If you would like to become a member of agiLab you can do this on the agiLab website which is free of charge.