Midlands and East Engagement team

The Midlands and East engagement team cover the geographical area from Herefordshire and Shropshire in the west, to Norfolk and Suffolk on the east coast, and Derbyshire and Leicestershire in the Midlands.
The team aims to be the recognised voice of the NHS HR community in the region, and to support workforce leaders in the Midlands and East to deliver better HR leading to a better patient experience.
HR director networks
There are two HR director networks in this region, the Midlands HRD network and the East of England HRD network. We encourage all HR and workforce leaders in the NHS to attend our regular meetings in order to share best practice and tackle strategic workforce issues affecting employers.
- East of England HR Directors Network - co-chaired by Liz Cooke, director of HR and OD Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust and Oonagh Monkhouse, director of workforce and OD at Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
- Midlands HR Directors Network - co-chaired by Alan Duffell, CPO at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, group CPO at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and group CPO at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, Amanda Rawlings, executive CPO, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, and Darren Tidmarsh, director of people services and organisational development and deputy chief executive, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust.
For more information on these networks email engagementmidlands&east@nhsemployers.org
Partnership working
We facilitate partnership working via three regional Social Partnership Forums, which are platforms for management and staff side representatives to discuss and debate the strategic issues affecting the NHS workforce. For more details visit the following web pages on the SPF website: