
SAS Week 2024

Save our #SASWeek24 web page to keep up to date with SAS Week activity and download resources to support your local campaign.

22 May 2024

#SASWeek24 - 14-18 October 2024

SAS Week provides the opportunity for employers to celebrate the specialty and specialist doctor workforce (SAS) and raise it's profile as a rewarding career and a much valued part of the NHS workforce.

During the week, each day we will release new resources to highlight the important work of the specialty and specialist (SAS) doctors and resources that employers can use to support this workforce. 

Comms pack

Start preparing for your local campaign and download our resources which includes an email banner, social media assets with each day's theme and some new resources for this year.

Pin map

New for 2024, we would like to publish a pin map that showcases the organisations involved in #SASWeek24 to see the spread of activity across the UK.

If your trust is getting involved and you'd like to be added please drop a note to the medical workforce team with your organisation name, details of the event and your postcode.


Monday 14 October – SAS as a career choice and SAS Charter

Tuesday 15 October – Specialist grade

Wednesday 16 October – SAS in extended roles and SAS development

Thursday 17 October – Equalities and the Medical Workforce Equality Standard (MWRES)

Friday 18 October – SAS advocates and  SAS wellbeing