Changes to the NHS Pension Scheme to attract and retain staff

Following a period of consultation, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) implemented changes to the NHS Pension Scheme to help employers to attract and retain valuable experienced staff, maintaining the capacity required to deliver high quality patient care.
Overview of the changes
The consultation outcome confirmed the following changes:
Other technical amendments ensure general practitioners pay the correct contribution rate over the full scheme year and simplify access to the scheme for primary care networks (PCNs).
Read the consultation outcome in full.
Our response to the consultation
NHS Employers gathered the views of employers and responded to the consultation's proposals on their behalf. Read our response.
Flexible retirement resources
We have published resources to help you promote, explain and implement flexible retirement options to support retention in your organisation.
Our guidance, using flexible retirement to support retention, details how to support staff to work flexibly towards the end of their career using the flexible retirement options available through the NHS Pension Scheme.
Want to know more about how to use these options? Watch our webinar on changes to flexible retirement options introduced in 2023.
Our flexible retirement web page provides an overview of the different retirement flexibilities, with 'real life' examples showing how the flexibilities benefit both the organisation and the individual.
Use our retirement flexibilities poster to support your conversation with NHS staff about the flexible retirement options available in the NHS Pension Scheme.
The NHS Staff Council have published guidance for employers on the process for considering flexible retirement requests.
NHS Pensions have operational guidance for employers on partial retirement processes for 1995 Section members.