2018 contract: pay and TCS advisory notices [Archived]
8 April 2020

Access the pay advice notices previously known as pay circulars, which provide information on nationally agreed changes to the NHS terms and conditions of service handbook during the three years of the pay deal.
On Wednesday 27 June 2018, the NHS Staff Council formally ratified the pay deal covering 2018/19, 2019/20, and 2020/21.
Pay and TCS Advisory Notice 01/2018 set out pay related changes for the three years of the deal.
Pay scales for the three years of the deal, including from 1 April 2020, can still be found in the handbook at annex 3: pay points in England. High cost area supplements for the three years of the deal, including from 1 April 2020, can still be found in annex 9: high cost area supplements.
NHS Terms and Conditions of Service (TCS) advisory notice 01/2020
This notice advises of the publication of version 42 of the NHS terms and conditions of service handbook. The NHS Staff Council has negotiated changes and the list of amendments are detailed below:
Is the section new or amended?
Section / annex of the handbook
Key amendments
Section 13: Annual leave and general public holidays
Amendment to paragraph 13.9 to reflect the statutory change for the calculation of holiday pay for those staff with irregular hours.
Pay and TCS advisory notice 01/2019
This notice advises of publication of version 41 of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service handbook.
Section / Annex
Date of change
Detail of change
Section 15
(England and Wales)14 October 2019
Amendment to paragraphs 15.61 and 15.107.
This section now applies to Scotland (see footnotes for caveats that apply). The section has been renamed to Section 15 (England, Wales & Scotland). The previous Scotland and Northern Ireland section will now only apply to Northern Ireland.Section 23
(England and Wales)14 October 2019
This section now applies to Scotland (see footnotes for caveats that apply) and has been renamed to section 23 (England, Wales & Scotland).
NHS Terms and Conditions of Service (TCS) advisory notice 01/2019
This notice advises of publication of version 40 of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service handbook.
The NHS Staff Council has negotiated changes to the NHS terms and conditions of service handbook as set out in the framework agreement. The list of amendments or the creation of new sections or annexes from 1 April 2019 are detailed below:
Is the section new or amended?
Section / annex of the handbook
Key amendments
Section 15: Leave and pay for new parents (England and Wales)
Section 15: Leave and pay for new parents (England and Wales), replaces Section 15: Maternity leave, for England and Wales.
The NHS Staff Council has re-drafted this section so that provisions relating to maternity, adoption, and shared parental leave, and pay, all fall under the same section.
The NHS Staff Council has also created an occupational entitlement to shared parental leave, which ensures that occupational shared parental pay matches the level of occupation maternity or adoption pay.
Section 23: Child bereavement leave (England and Wales)
This is a new section of the handbook, introducing provisions for leave and pay in the event of a child bereavement.
Section 31: Recruitment, promotion and staff development
The NHS Staff Council have approved revisions to this section suggested by the equality diversity and inclusion sub group.
Section 32: Dignity at work
The NHS Staff Council have approved revisions to this section suggested by the equality diversity and inclusion sub group.
Section 33: Balancing work and personal life
The NHS Staff Council have approved revisions to this section suggested by the equality diversity and inclusion sub group. This includes combining the previous Section 33: Caring for children and adults, Section 34: Flexible working arrangements, and Section 35: Balancing work and personal life, in to one section of the handbook. As a result section 35 of the handbook is now unallocated.
Section 34: Employment break scheme
The NHS Staff Council have approved revisions to this section suggested by the equality diversity and inclusion sub group. The section was previously numbered section 36. Section 36 of the handbook is now unallocated.
Annex 23 (England)
The NHS Staff Council have approved the redraft of annex 23 (England) which was completed by the pay progression sub-group of the Staff Council. Annex 23 (England) has been amended to ensure it is reflective of the new pay progression system agreed as part of the 2018 pay deal.
Pay and TCS advisory notice 01/2018
This notice advises of amendment number 39 to the NHS terms and conditions of service handbook.
The list of amendments or the creation of new sections or annexes are detailed below:
Pay advisory notice
Is the section new or amended?
Section / annex of the handbook
Key amendments
Annex 2: Pay points in England
Pay scales for the three years of the deal have been included. Explanatory text is included to describe the level of structural reform in each year of the deal (2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21).
Annex 3: Pay points in England
The previous pay scale (01 April 2017 – 31 March 2018) set out in table 10 archived under annex 3.
Annex 9 : High cost area supplements
Updated in line with the framework agreement. The minimum and maximum rates can be found in Table 7 for the three years of the multi-year deal.
TCS advisory notice
Is the section new or amended?
Section / annex of the handbook
Key amendments
Part 1: Principles and Partnership
New England only provisions to be effective from 1 July 2018.
Part 2: Section 1 Pay Structure (England)
New section created detailing the provisions for England only, in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change.
Part 2: Section 1 Pay Structure (Wales)
New section created detailing the provisions for Wales only. No content change from the previous version of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, however, all references to England have been removed.
Part 2: Section 2 Maintaining Round the Clock Services (England)
New section created detailing the provisions for England only, in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change. Changes include;
- amendments to the unsocial hours rates for bands 1 to 3
- within the ambulance sector in England: all new starters, those affected by a move of role and those wishing to voluntarily move will have their unsocial hours payments paid via Section 2 (England)
- confirmation of the changes to occupational sick pay for those in bands 1 to 3
- England only version
Part 2: Section 6 Career Progression (England)
New section created detailing the provisions for England only with references to Wales removed.
Part 2: Section 6 Career Progression (Wales)
New section created detailing the provisions for Wales only with references to England removed.
Part 3: Section 14 Sickness absence (England)
New section created detailing the provisions for England only, in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change. Changes include revisions to paragraphs 14.4 and 14.5 with an additional paragraph at 14.21 confirming the transitional arrangements for those on sickness absence at the time of implementation.
Part 3: Section 14 Sickness absence (Wales)
New section created detailing the provisions for Wales only. No content change from the previous iteration of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, however, all references to England have been removed.
Part 3: Section 15 Maternity Leave (England)
New section created detailing the provisions for England only, in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change. Changes include the removal of references to annuality.
Part 3: Section 15 Maternity Leave (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
New section created detailing the provisions for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland only. No content change from the previous version of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.
Part 3: Section 20 MARS
Correction of typing errors and updates to paragraphs 20.22, 20.24 and 20.27. Any references to ‘compromise agreements’ have been replaced with ‘settlement agreements’.
Part 3: Section 22 Injury Allowance
Updated references to other sections and annexes within the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.
Part 4: Section 25 Time off for and facilities for Trade Union representatives
Correction of typing error.
Part 5: Section 31 Recruitment, promotion and staff development
Updated references to other sections and annexes within the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.
Part 5: Section 34 Flexible working arrangements
Updating of references to other sections and annexes within the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.
Part 5: Section 36 Employment break scheme
Updating of hyperlinks to external sites.
Part 6: Section 40 National bodies and procedures
Update of paragraph 40.15 to correct the list of recognised Trade Unions on the NHS Staff Council.
Annex 4: Working or providing emergency cover outside normal hours
Updated references to other sections and annexes within the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.
Annex 5: Provisions for unsocial hours for ambulance staff
Updated in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change Changes include the insertion of an eligibility clause.
Annex 6: Provisions for unsocial hours for ambulance staff
Updated in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change. Changes include the insertion of an eligibility clause.
Annex 19: Local appeals procedure (England)
Minor textual change - updated in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change
Annex 23: Pay Progression (England)
Updated in line with the Framework Agreement on the reform of Agenda for Change. New paragraphs inserted (9 to 11) to provide clarity on how pay step points (increments) will be achieved.
Annex 23: Pay Progression (Wales)
New section created detailing the provisions for Wales only. No content change from the previous version of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, however, all references to England have been removed.
Annex 29: Principles for harmonised on-call arrangements
Updated reference to other sections and annexes within the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook. Updated hyperlinks to external sites.