Supporting staff with the rising cost of living - good employment practice

To support local employers, our hub draws together important resources and good employer practice with examples from across the NHS.
Shelves of food at a food bank.

Our cost of living hub brings together long and short-term solutions to support employees with the rising cost of living. These solutions are real life examples of what organisations are currently putting in place to support their staff. We also have our enablers, which provide key background information, guidance from NHS Employers and case study snippets from organisations who are implementing strategies into their workforce.

Using the guidance and recommendations throughout our hub can support you to maximise your offer and impact, in supporting staff with the rising cost of living.

Risks to the health and care system

Access the NHS Confederation's web pages that cover the impact the crisis is having on the health and care system and our calls on government.

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Contact us with questions and examples of how you are supporting staff