Last updated11 December 2023 Case study Using the Empowerment Passport to support disabled health learners A digital passport that allows disabled learners, trainees and apprentices to share adjustments to improve their transition into the NHS workforce.
Last updated9 December 2023 Briefing Cavendish Coalition letter to the Prime Minister Following the announcement of changes to the health and care visa on 4th December 2023, the Cavendish Coalition wrote to the Prime Minister.
Last updated8 December 2023 Guidance Making workplace adjustments to support disabled staff Under the Equality Act 2010, employers have a legal responsibility to make reasonable adjustments for disabled staff.
Last updated5 December 2023 Infographic Retention and attraction: a visual model This downloadable infographic highlights the key ways that advocating a positive experience for staff supports retention and attraction in the NHS.
Last updated5 December 2023 Infographic Retention: learning into actions Visual imagery summarising the discussions and learning from our Staff Experience in the NHS conference 2023 which focused on routes to retention.