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Showing 209 - 224 of 241 results

Shared parental leave guidance

Various scenarios illustrating how occupational shared parental leave and pay should work.

18 September 2019

2018 junior doctor contract refresh

Details for the amendments to the 2016 terms and conditions for doctors in training, also known as junior doctors.

11 September 2019

Pay progression

The pay progression system came into effect 1 April 2019 for new starters or those promoted to a new role on or after 1 April 2019.

7 June 2019

Pay deal changes from 1 April 2019

The NHS Staff Council has jointly agreed this document, to provide staff and employers with key information on year two of the deal.

24 April 2019

Technical pay guidance from 1 April 2019

The NHS Staff Council has produced some technical pay guidance to assist those who may have to explain year two of the pay deal.

12 April 2019

Total reward statements poster

Use this poster to help you successfully roll our your Total Reward System (TRS) plan.

27 March 2019

Spine points at 31 March 2018

This document allows people to see what their spine point was at 31 March 2018, by looking at what their pay was at that point in time.

22 March 2019

Paramedic consolidation of learning

A review of paramedic role profiles in 2016/17, which ensured they remained fit for purpose, saw the development of a new band 6 paramedic profile.

15 February 2019

Junior doctors' contract

This document highlights the pay arrangements for junior doctors following the 2018 review of the contract.

11 February 2019

Pay progression scenarios

These scenarios have been developed to guide you through the different circumstances relating to pay progression.

17 January 2019

Pay step submission process flowchart

Use our flow chart to understand the pay step submission process under the new pay progression system which will be implemented on 1 April 2019

17 January 2019

Pay progression transitional example

An example was developed to show the pay progression journey for new and existing staff during the transitional arrangements until March 2021.

17 January 2019

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