Flexible working briefing for board members Download and adapt our PowerPoint presentation to support your case for flexible working. 30 October 2020
The business case for reward This article considers why having a reward and benefits package is important for staff and how it can be used to address workforce challenges. 27 October 2020
Using ESR to harvest workforce diversity data webinar Find out how ESR can be used to gather and extract diversity data with the aim of identifying equality and diversity issues within an organisation. 26 October 2020
Inclusive recruitment guidance This guidance pulls together information, tools and resources to help employers meet some of the actions of the NHS People Plan around recruitment. 26 October 2020
Supporting staff who are shielding Find out what Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust did to support staff that were shielding during COVID-19. 20 October 2020
Attracting more people into mental health nurse education This new report from the Nuffield Trust identifies how to attract more people into mental health nurse education. 18 October 2020
BAME ambassadors project Read how North East Ambulance Service NHS FT increased the number of BAME people applying for jobs and increased awareness of services available. 13 October 2020
Long-term health conditions How to support employees with long-term health conditions. 10 October 2020
Understanding LGBT+ employee networks in the NHS This report sets out key findings and recommendations following a three-year study on how LGBT+ employee networks operate within the NHS. 9 October 2020
Enablers to flexible working and flexible retirement Watch our webinar to hear good practice examples from NHS trusts that have delivered innovative ways to support nursing staff to work more flexibly. 29 September 2020
The role of line managers and total reward Line managers play an important role in communicating your organisation's reward benefits to staff as well as helping develop your reward strategy. 24 September 2020
Flexible working in the aftermath of the pandemic webinar Watch our webinar to understand how COVID-19 has changed attitudes towards flexible working. 22 September 2020
SAS doctor development guidance Download this guidance to support the development of specialty and specialist (SAS) doctors in the NHS in England. 18 September 2020
Developing annual reports and action plans: WDES webinar and templates Watch this webinar, download our templates and find out how to develop your trust's WDES annual report and action plan. 16 September 2020
Signing the Armed Forces Covenant An overview of the Armed Forces Covenant, what it means to sign and the duty involved. 1 September 2020
Reward web page template Use our handy template to guide you on how to create a successful and engaging reward hub on your website. 28 August 2020