Occupational health for NHS staff Having a robust occupational health service and working in partnership can lead to increased productivity, reduced absence, and money saved. 10 November 2023
Evaluating your health and wellbeing programme This page offers guidance for health and wellbeing leads on how to measure feedback from strategies and initiatives. 9 November 2023
Your occupational health service Guidance to help employers to understand and monitor occupational health services in the NHS workplace. 6 November 2023
A guide to improving staff disability data This updates guidance originally published in 2020 to help employers improve their staff disability data. 6 November 2023
International recruitment frameworks On this page we look at the purpose and benefits of using international recruitment frameworks. 31 October 2023
How a local college partnership boosted T Level success University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS) collaborates with local colleges to provide tailor-made Level 3 qualification programmes. 25 October 2023
Tackling bullying in the NHS infographic Statistics and key facts on the impact of bullying on workforce wellbeing from the NHS Staff Council's Health, Safety and Wellbeing Group. 25 October 2023
Shift work in healthcare infographic Statistics and key facts on the impact of shift work in healthcare by the NHS Staff Council's Health, Safety and Wellbeing Group. 25 October 2023
Innovative recruitment of healthcare support workers and business administrators South Tyneside and Sunderland NHSFT introduced successful new methods to recruit healthcare support workers (HCSW) and business administrators. 19 October 2023
The importance of partnership working on job evaluation This page outlines the importance of partnership working and what can be done at a local level to ensure that it is delivered successfully. 16 October 2023
Supporting SAS doctor development at East London NHS Foundation Trust East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) held a one day foundational quality improvement day for its SAS workforce. 11 October 2023
NHS Staff Council flexible retirement guidance This page details guidance from the NHS Staff Council on the process for considering flexible retirement requests. 11 October 2023
Identifying fraudulent pre-employment documentation: recruitment from outside the UK This webinar explored how to identify fraudulent pre-employment documentation for non-UK recruitment. 6 October 2023
Care Certificate The are Certificate aims to equip health and social care support workers with the knowledge and skills needed to provide safe and compassionate care. 5 October 2023
Governance of the NHS Pension Scheme Details of the arrangements in place to ensure that the scheme remains sustainable for both employers and employees across England and Wales. 5 October 2023
Agile working to improve staff retention This article looks at research into how customised working arrangements can meet the needs of employees and organisations and tips for implementation. 3 October 2023