Cavendish Coalition letter to the Prime Minister Following the announcement of changes to the health and care visa on 4th December 2023, the Cavendish Coalition wrote to the Prime Minister. 9 December 2023
Making workplace adjustments to support disabled staff Under the Equality Act 2010, employers have a legal responsibility to make reasonable adjustments for disabled staff. 8 December 2023
Retention and attraction: a visual model This downloadable infographic highlights the key ways that advocating a positive experience for staff supports retention and attraction in the NHS. 5 December 2023
Retention: learning into actions Visual imagery summarising the discussions and learning from our Staff Experience in the NHS conference 2023 which focused on routes to retention. 5 December 2023
Retention in the NHS: employer briefing Guidance highlighting some of the key actions employers can take to improve staff retention. 5 December 2023
Retention discussions: from reaction to prevention A practical guide to using discussions and conversations to support staff retention and improve staff experience in your organisation. 5 December 2023
Retention in the NHS: board pack This PowerPoint slide pack provides key facts, employer responses and resources for leaders to support strategic planning to retain the NHS workforce. 5 December 2023
Tackling homelessness in response to the rising cost of living In this video from University Hospitals Birmingham we hear how the trust is supporting staff in response to incidences of homelessness. 1 December 2023
Understanding and reducing tensions between staff in relation to agile working Agilab's research report explores interpersonal tensions between clinical and non-clinical staff in the NHS in relation to agile working arrangements. 28 November 2023
Band 2 and band 3 healthcare support worker roles This page provides employers with information and advice for dealing with re-banding requests from healthcare support staff. 24 November 2023
Advanced practice Learn more about advanced and enhanced practitioners and what they can do to support your multi-disciplinary teams. 23 November 2023
Improving disability declaration rates at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Find out how Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation trust improved their disability declaration rates. 20 November 2023
Understanding disability infographic Access our infographic to understand what a disability is and learn how organisations and managers can support disability in the workplace. 15 November 2023
Apprenticeship levy transfer Find out what the apprenticeship levy is and the options for transferring your apprenticeship levy funds to another employer. 14 November 2023
Medical Training Initiative FAQs Here are some answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the processes involved in applications to the MTI scheme. 14 November 2023
Promoting health and wellbeing and attendance at work These guidelines have been developed to supplement and reinforce Annex 26 of the NHS terms and conditions of service handbook. 10 November 2023