Nursing workforce supply

Part of the vision of the NHS Long Term Plan will see multi-professionals working together differently, with nurses playing a critical role in the delivery of care within acute, primary and community settings, and mental health services.
Despite more than 1.3 million staff working in the NHS in England, there are significant staff shortages across the country, with shortages in nursing representing one of the biggest workforce gaps. Growing the nursing workforce will require a multifaceted approach where the health and care sector is seen as both attractive and accessible.
With this in mind, we have developed this set of actions to support you with developing and delivering your nursing strategy. The document sets out a recommended list of actions, guidance and resources that can support you with each action and how these actions align to those in the We are the NHS People Plan.
The downloadable and editable word document has a column for you to note what actions you’ve already completed, what you want to start doing and what you want to build on, so you have a really clear plan of action.
There are three tables in the document, on pages one to four is developing your nursing workforce strategy, one pages five to seven is attracting and recruiting your nursing workforce and on pages eight to nine is onboarding student nurses and and nurses into your workforce.