In the event that a consultant is not satisfied with the outcome of a mediation procedure in job planning and pay progression disputes a formal appeal can be made.
This guide gives details on how consultants can instigate the appeals process and how NHS organisations should treat formal appeals.

The appeal panel
This section gives details of the make-up of an appeal panel to resolve disagreements related to consultant job planning and pay progression.
In accordance with the procedures set out in the model protocol, the appeal panel has three members, reflecting a balance of interests. These are as follows:
The panel chair
The employer is responsible for nominating the chair of the panel. It is anticipated that this role would normally be undertaken by a senior person such as a non-executive director of the trust.
The second panel member - the consultant nominee
The consultant is responsible for nominating the second panel member. The local negotiating committee may elect to hold a list of suitable panel members from which the consultant may choose. Alternatively, the consultant can nominate an individual of their own choice.
The independent third panel member
NHS Employers will provide a list of individuals for the employer to select from, jointly approved by NHS Employers British Medical Association (BMA) and the British Dental Association (BDA). The procedure for this is also outlined in the model protocol.
Clinical academic consultants
The appeals panel constitution for clinical academic staff is set out in Annex B to the Honorary Consultant Contract (England).
Guides for the panel and panel members
The Consultant Contract Implementation Team (CCIT) and the BMA have produced a joint guide for appeal panels and a set of guides for each role of a panel member, that highlight:
- grounds for appeal
- matters outside the scope of the appeals process
- advice on making a recommendation
- documents to be available to an appeals panel
- responsibilities of the respective members of an appeal panel.
Guide to the role of the chair of the panel
Guide to the role of the consultant nominee
Guide to the role of the third panel member
Further supporting documents
Each guide should be read in conjunction with the following documents:
- Terms and conditions - consultants (England) 2003
- Model protocol for appeals
- CCIT and BMA Joint guide for appeal panels
Appeals standard document bundle
These are the documents each panel member requires at a consultant appeal panel.
In 2004, CCIT and the BMA agreed a bundle of documents that provide relevant authority, information and guidance on aspects of the 2003 consultant contract. It is recommended that all panel members be given access to the complete bundle of documents.
This does not preclude either party to the appeal submitting further evidence.
Definitive documents
- Consultants framework agreement (PDF) (and annexes (PDF)) 2002.
- Heads of agreement 2003 (PDF).
- Terms and conditions of service consultants (England) 2003.
- Clinical academics - model honorary contract.
- Guidance notes for the employment of consultant clinical academics.
This information is based on guides produced by the former CCIT in association with the BMA, and the following detailed documents noted above.
The appeal process
This section sets out the process to follow when submitting and hearing an appeal and coming to a decision on a disagreement over a consultant's job plan and pay progression.
The process is outlined in full in Schedule 4 of the terms and conditions and expanded on by the model protocol as agreed by the BMA, BDA and NHS.
This is a summary of the key points:
Matters outside the scope of the job planning and pay progression appeals procedure
Examples of issues we would not expect to be addressed within this appeals procedure include the following:
- Appeals for pay protection.
- Appeals about seniority and consultant level experience.
- Appeals based on a reinterpretation of the TCS as currently written, for example, an appeal on the basis that on-call rota frequency should count prospective cover, rather than simply the number of consultants on the rota
- Appeals based merely on achieving parity with other consultants, foe example, in another department or another employing organisation.
- Appeal panel members will receive the appellant's written statement of appeal in advance of the hearing. It may be helpful at that point for panel members to give some thought to the issues that the panel is being asked to consider, and to consider whether there are any issues within the appellant's case that should be set aside as inadmissible within this procedure.
Making a recommendation
After hearing from both parties to the appeal, the panel will need to decide on a recommendation to the board of the appellant consultant's employing organisation. A recommendation need not be made immediately on the day of the appeal, although if the appeal panel members consider they have enough information on which to proceed, they may wish to formulate a recommendation immediately.
In many cases the appeal panel will wish to seek clarification on technical issues or issues of interpretation, and will want to obtain specialist advice, for example human resources advice, before proceeding further. It may be possible to arrange for a human resources adviser to be on hand on the day of the hearing to advise the appeal panel. At the discretion of the appeal panel Chair, a human resources adviser may be present during the hearing to hear each party's case at first hand, although the adviser should not take any active part in the proceedings.
The model appeals protocol allows for an adjournment of the hearing in order that advice may be sought. It would be acceptable to adjourn the hearing after considering all the evidence but before deciding on a recommendation, and to notify the parties of the recommendation in writing at a later date, normally within two weeks of the appeal having been heard.
Register to be a third panel member
NHS Employers holds the contact list for those who are happy to provide support as a third panel member for consultant and SAS doctor job planning appeals.
If you would like to be a volunteer please fill out our form.