Guidance for employing clinical academics

We have a suite of resources for employers to use for the employment of clinical academics who hold honorary NHS contracts for or clinical or research governance reasons.
Consultant clinical academics and senior academic GPs
Consultant clinical academics and senior academic GPs hold honorary NHS contracts for clinical or research governance reasons and to protect their interests by making clear the nature of their relationship with the NHS organisation(s) with which the honorary contract is held.
Health and care professionals (HCPs) clinical academics
Health and care professionals (HCPs) clinical academics are those regulated and registered healthcare professionals, excluding doctors and dentists, currently registered with a national regulatory body. They are ‘jointly’ employed by HEIs and partner NHS provider organisations. Their substantive and honorary contracts are viewed as contracts of employment.
Guidance on implementing Follett Principles for health and care professionals
This guidance is intended to support organisations in implementing the Follett Principles for regulated, registered health and care professional (HCP) clinical academics. Specifically, it provides guidance on the principles of joint working between higher education institutions (HEIs) and organisations that provide services to the NHS.
Contractual documents for consultant clinical academics
Honorary contract (.doc) (2013)
This model honorary contract is intended for clinical academics who are employed by higher education Institutions, or other organisations in a research and/or teaching capacity, and who also provide services for NHS patients at consultant level in NHS facilities.
Suggested clauses (academic contract) (.doc) (2013)
The following are suggested clauses to be incorporated into contracts of employment for clinical academics who perform services in the consultant grade on an honorary basis where the clinical academic has moved onto contractual arrangements that are comparable with the Terms and Conditions - Consultants (England) 2003.
Guidance documents on the employment of consultant clinical academics
Clinical academic trainee checklist (.doc) (2020)
This template has been produced by the British Medical Association (BMA) and NHS Employers. It is for clinical academic trainees who are employed by a university and working at the trust on an honorary contract. We advise that the employing trust completes the checklist to help give trainees clear and consistent information about issues such as supervision arrangements, local policies and governance structures, how to raise concerns, induction and honorary contract arrangements. This resource should support positive working principles and practice in relation to clinical governance, Follett principles and good employment practice.
Clinical academic guidance notes (PDF) (2013)
This guidance applies to clinical academics in posts that are equivalent to consultant grade posts in the NHS. It is intended to inform both the substantive employer and the honorary employer(s) in the management of the clinical academic consultant contract where a clinical academic is employed on comparable terms to the Terms and Conditions - Consultants (England) 2003.
Job planning for consultant clinical academics (PDF)
This updated guidance outlines the steps that may be taken in order to arrive at an agreed job plan for consultant clinical academics.
Follett slide pack for employers (.doc)
This slide pack is intended for senior managers in trusts and higher education institutions (HEIs) to share with their operational staff, and anyone involved in the deployment of clinical academics. It explains what the Follet principles are and why they exist. It offers practical advice and links to tools and resources which should help you to ensure that this valuable group of staff is well supported in its joint employment arrangements.
Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)(MoU)
Joint staff of universities and NHS organisations have agreed an MoU. NHS organisations are advised to:
- check that their practices correspond with those outlined in the MoU, including providing the substantive employer with a copy of the honorary contract
- ensure that those involved in the employment and management of clinical academic staff, finance directors, and others involved in the re-charging process for clinical academic salaries are made aware of these developments.
Contractual documents for senior academic general practitioners
The Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) has recommended that higher education institutions in England consider employing their senior academic GPs in line with arrangements detailed in the documents below. UCEA has noted that higher education institutions may choose to amend the documentation to suit local circumstances.
- Honorary contract for senior academic general practitioners (PDF). This model honorary contract is based on the honorary consultant contract (England), December 2003 and is intended to be used for:
- clinical academics specialising in primary care who have a substantive contract of employment with a higher education institution at senior lecturer 1 level and above (subsequently referred to as senior academic GPs)
- Who are considered to be undertaking duties and responsibilities commensurate with consultant clinical academic staff
- are registered general practitioners
- are practising clinicians normally based in an undergraduate medical school.
- Senior academic general practitioner substantive contract - suggested clauses (PDF) document contains suggested clauses to be incorporated into contracts of employment for senior academic GPs who perform services in the NHS in England on an honorary basis, where an institution has offered and the senior academic GP has accepted contractual arrangements that are comparable with the Terms and Conditions - Consultants (England) 2003.
- Senior academic general practitioners - guidance notes (PDF) - this guidance is intended to inform both the substantive employer and the honorary employer(s) in the management of the senior academic GP contract where a senior academic GP is employed on comparable terms to the Terms and Conditions - Consultants (England) 2003.