Medical examiners

- Medical examiners are senior doctors from any specialty employed by NHS trusts in England.
- Medical examiners are senior doctors who provide independent scrutiny of causes of death within the trust.
Information on the role of a medical examiner can be found on NHS England’s website.
There are statutory requirements for NHS bodies employing medical examiners. Read the legislation covering the regulations of employing medical examiners.
NHS bodies must have regard to the National Medical Examiner’s guidance.
Employing medical examiners
Senior doctors employed as medical examiners will work in the role in a number of sessions each week, outside of their normal clinical duties.
Many applicants for medical examiner roles will be existing employees of the organisation such as consultants, specialists or specialty doctors with appropriate postgraduate experience.
In these cases, it is expected that this will be incorporated into their job plans via dedicated programmed activity time.
Employing GPs as medical examiners
Employers may also employ general practitioners (GPs) to provide medical examiner sessions, provided they meet the requirements of the role.
Typically, as these individuals will not hold an existing contract with the trust, employers will need to give due consideration to which contracts of employment are used in this instance.
Below are the approaches which the employer may opt to use when employer GPs as medical examiners, as well as some considerations which may be helpful for each:
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