
New research on the value of mediation and resolution in the NHS

New research highlights the importance early dispute resolution and mediation to successfully manage workplace conflict, helping employers

18 May 2023

Acas have published our new research in conjunction with East Lancashire East Hospitals NHS Trust on mediation and resolution in the workplace.

The research highlights how mediation can have a positive effect on organisations, and what employers can proactively do to support their people to manage conflict well. Key findings from the research include:

  • Benefits of inhouse workplace mediation as a way to manage conflict.
  • Benefits of a structured approach to early conflict resolution – where informal options are given the opportunity to succeed.
  • How line manager confidence and capability is essential for informal methods to work.
  • Acas can provide advice, support and training to provide those necessary skills so employers can benefit from inhouse dispute resolution.

You can read the research in full on Acas' website now.