
Apprenticeship pay

Details of pay for staff who undertake an apprenticeship as part of their career development.

28 May 2024

From Monday 1 July 2024, existing staff who go on to undertake an apprenticeship as part of their career development will be paid either their existing pay point or the rate paid to other apprentices, whichever is the higher (subject to some eligibility criteria).

As part of the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay deal in 2023, the NHS Staff Council agreed to make amendments to the terms and conditions of service that would ensure existing NHS staff will not suffer a detriment to their basic pay when they undertake a formal apprenticeship as part of their agreed career development.  

The NHS Staff Council considered amendments proposed by a partnership task and finish group at its March 2024 plenary meeting and agreed to implement changes from 1 July 2024.  The handbook will be updated to ensure existing staff will not suffer a detriment to pay by preserving their existing basic pay when undertaking a formal apprenticeship programme, where the evaluated pay band is the same as or higher than the banding of their current post.

Next steps

Guidance will be published in the coming weeks to support employers to review local policies and procedures in partnership. 

Employers are advised to identify apprentices in their workforce so that they will be able to consider eligibility ahead of the 1 July implementation date.