Consultation on the regulation of NHS managers webinar

We are collating an employer’s response to the government’s consultation on the regulation of NHS managers. The proposals have been shared as part of the government ten year plan and aim to ensure patient safety is at the heart of leadership in an NHS that is sustainable for the future.
This webinar was facilitated by Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers who outlined the asks from the government and provide space for employers to share their thoughts. NHS Employers will collate the views shared and provide an employer response to the consultation.
Before the webinar, we would encouraged attendees to consider these points of discussion:
- Views on making managers accountable for responding to concerns about the provision of patient safety.
- If a regulatory system were appropriate, what kind of body would exercise this? Which managers should be in the scope of any future regulation? And what type of regulation would be appropriate?
- What types of standards managers should be required to demonstrate as part of a future system of regulation.
- Consider the possibility of delivering a professional duty of candour for NHS managers and leaders.
Read the full statement and proposals on the website.
Who attended
This webinar was open to chief executive officers, chief people officers and senior board workforce leaders.