The specialist grade role

A key element of the SAS contract reform was the introduction of a new grade, called the specialist grade. This provides an opportunity for career progression for highly experienced specialty doctors. The introduction of this new grade helps to recruit, motivate and retain senior doctors and contribute to SAS grades being a positive and fulfilling career choice.
In 2021, the NHS introduced the specialist doctor, a new grade for senior specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors.
This role was created as part of negotiations between the British Medical Association (BMA) The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS Employers.
Career progression, recognition and job satisfaction
The creation of the specialist grade has provided a much-needed career progression opportunity for highly experienced specialty doctors. To help to bridge the gap between speciality doctors and more senior roles. By recognising the advance skills and responsibilities of these doctors, employers can improve job satisfaction and retention rates among its senior medical workforce.
Prior to this, the career advancement opportunities were limited, often leading to a lack of recognition for SAS doctor’s skills and responsibilities. Stakeholders across the system contributed to defining the scope of practice of the role, including the roles and responsibilities, how the role differs from existing medical roles and the benefits the role offers.
Core skills and competencies required
The specialist grade is characterised by a set of generic capabilities (PDF) that applicants must meet to be eligible.
This generic capabilities framework outlines the capabilities that a doctor will need to evidence in order to enter the grade and will support employers to create individual person specifications, which will be tailored to the specific requirements of the role. As the overarching framework is generic in content, any specialty-specific, practical or surgical skills that are required will need to be defined in the person specification.
These capabilities were developed in partnership with The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), the BMA and NHS Employers. They outline the core skills and competencies required across all specialities for safe and effective practice at this senior level.
Supporting documents
*Where the term ‘specialist’ is used in this web page, it is used to denote doctors and dentists employed on the specialist grade (England) 2021 contract.
Template person specification (Word template)
Download this to help you develop a clear description of the requirements for an individual role.
Notes on person specification template (PDF)
This list contains illustrative examples of specialty-specific criteria and guidance for reference. It shows ways in which the template person specification may be amended or extended to be made suitable for different specialties.
Specialist grade appointment guidance (Word).
This document provides additional guidance to support employers transitioning doctors from the associate specialist grade into the specialist grade and with the collation of evidence against the capabilities framework. It contains:
- clarity on the process for associate specialists transitioning into the specialist grade and how employers can best manage this process
- an easy-to-use template, along with accompanying guidance, on how doctors can evidence that they meet the criteria in the capabilities framework.