
Pay protection when transitioning from band 1 to band 2 [Archived]

Download this infographic from the NHS Staff Council to help explain pay protection for staff transitioning from band 1 to band 2.

19 November 2020

As part of the 2018 pay deal, band 1 closed to new starters on 1 December 2018, the NHS Staff Council agreed a process for transferring existing band 1 staff to band 2 and supporting staff who wish to remain in band 1.


As part of the 2018 pay deal, band 1 closed to new starters on 1 December 2018, the NHS Staff Council agreed a process for transferring existing band 1 staff to band 2 and supporting staff who wish to remain in band 1.

Explaining pay protection

Because unsocial hours enhancements in band 1 are slightly higher than band 2, staff being paid unsocial hours enhancements may find their total pay could reduce upon moving to band 2. However, the framework agreement sets out a principle of no detriment. Therefore, should an individual’s pay reduce as a result of unsocial hours enhancement rates upon moving to band 2, they should be pay protected on a marked time basis. This pay protection will apply to those transferring from band 1 to band 2 as part of this process, providing they are not doing a lower number of unsocial hours in their new role.

The infographic visually highlights this information and should be used by line managers to help band 1 staff make the decision if they want to move to band 2 or not. It can be used in the first-choice exercise, or in their yearly appraisals where they should be offered the option to transfer again.

For more information, please visit our closing band 1 web pages.