Medical education and workforce

NHS Employers works with employers and stakeholders to gather and represent employer views, influence national policy and provide information to employers regarding national changes to medical education and workforce supply.
These are some of our key priorities at present:
- National recruitment processes for doctors and dentists in training.
- The expansion of flexible working and flexible training for doctors and dentists such as Out of Programme Pause (OOPP)
- Support for the SAS workforce agenda, including the SAS charter and SAS week.
- Working with Health Education England (HEE) and other stakeholders on the enhancing doctors’ working lives programme.
- Working with stakeholders on improving the medical foundation programme, including the implementation of the recommendations of the foundation programme review.
- Medical associate professions (MAPS)
- Developments relating to HEE’s advancing dental care review.
- Supporting stakeholders to consult on proposed curriculum changes.
We engage with medical education professionals across the NHS on new developments and upcoming changes via our medical education reference group.
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