Last updated29 June 2021 Article Medical education and workforce We work with employers and stakeholders to gather and represent views on national changes to medical education and workforce supply.
Last updated23 June 2021 Case study Deploying nursing associates across the system University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust has worked to increase the number of trainee nursing associate apprenticeships.
Last updated22 June 2021 Blog post Inclusion and representation: our Armed Forces journey How one NHS trust is celebrating Armed Forces Week and how it continues to excel in supporting its Armed Forces Community.
Last updated14 June 2021 Guidance Employer guidance on the new pay progression system for SAS doctors Download new guidance which explains pay progression for doctors appointed to the 2021 specialist and specialty doctor grades.
Last updated28 May 2021 Blog post Improving deaf awareness in the workplace Sam Penney is a staff nurse with severe hearing loss. Sam shares some of the challenges she has faced and encourages everyone to be more deaf aware.