Last updated15 February 2021 Video Deploying nursing associates in different settings webinar Watch the recording of our webinar and find out how NHS trusts are using the nursing associate role across different healthcare settings.
Last updated1 February 2021 Briefing Inclusive recruitment: supporting economic recovery This briefing highlights the economic impact of COVID-19 and the role the NHS can play in supporting local recovery.
Last updated24 January 2021 Article Medical pay negotiating partners Find out which organisations the medical pay team negotiates with as part of our discussions on pay and contracts.
Last updated1 December 2020 Blog post Using apprenticeships to build digital and analytical skills How Leeds Health and Care Academy has worked with health and social care organisations across Leeds to build digital and analytical skills.
Last updated11 August 2020 Guidance Improving nurse retention: flexible retirement guide Our guide focuses on flexible working through the lens of supporting nurses to access more flexible forms of retirement.