Last updated20 June 2023 Case study Embracing staff feedback to embed cultural change A North West trust turned around its staff survey results, through improved staff engagement, a focus on feedback and a major cultural shift.
Last updated19 June 2023 Article NHS pay deal in England - frequently asked questions Developed by the Department of Health and Social Care, these FAQs provide clarifying advice on pay, eligibility and implementation of the deal.
Last updated31 May 2023 Case study Transforming Bedfordshire’s podiatry workforce Bedfordshire have transformed their podiatry services to increase the pipeline into the workforce, develop staff and embed a new leadership approach.
Last updated17 May 2023 Case study Supporting integrated working through blended roles Read how Greater Manchester ICS integrated their workforce by developing blended roles within their communities.
Last updated17 May 2023 Case study International Recruitment Fellowship Find out how NHS England South East developed a programme to support and learn from international recruits to improve recruitment and retention.