Last updated11 November 2020 Blog post Working together to peel back the layers of inequalities Alice Sorby and Ludlow Johnson highlight the work of the NHS Staff Councils' Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group.
Last updated27 October 2020 Article The business case for reward This article considers why having a reward and benefits package is important for staff and how it can be used to address workforce challenges.
Last updated26 October 2020 Guidance Inclusive recruitment guidance This guidance pulls together information, tools and resources to help employers meet some of the actions of the NHS People Plan around recruitment.
Last updated13 October 2020 Case study BAME ambassadors project Read how North East Ambulance Service NHS FT increased the number of BAME people applying for jobs and increased awareness of services available.
Last updated17 August 2020 Case study Improving performance by improving staff wellbeing Read how North Bristol NHS Trust improved performance and saved thousands of pounds by prioritising and enhancing staff health and wellbeing.