
NHS Staff Survey 2020

This page shares the results and analysis of the 2020 NHS Staff Survey.

11 March 2021

The results for the 2020 NHS Staff Survey demonstrate the pressures that the NHS has been facing over the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the results show that staff are still proud to work for the NHS and have shared a positive perception on health and wellbeing support.

The headline results are:

  • three of the ten key themes improved, these include; health and wellbeing, bullying and harassment and violence.
  • one of the key themes worsened, team working
  • The remaining six themes, including the staff engagement score, remained stable.

The full results of the 2020 NHS Staff Survey are published on the NHS Staff Survey website along with briefings from the NHS Staff Survey centre on overall themes, benchmarking reports and five-yearly trends.

You can also find a joint briefing with NHS Confederation on the Confed website.