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Showing 49 - 64 of 152 results

Interaction between LCEAs and NCIAs

These flowcharts demonstrate the interactions between local clinical excellence awards (LCEA) and National Clinical Impact Awards (NCIA).

31 January 2023

NHS health passport

This health passport allows individuals to record details about their disability, health condition or learning disability.

24 November 2022

Step into Health downloads

Access downloadable and editable resources, in both English and Welsh, to help promote your organisation's pledge to Step into Health.

8 November 2022

Improving the personal safety of lone workers

A guide for staff work alone, outlining what employers should do to improve safety for lone workers and what you can do to protect yourself.

12 October 2022

NHS staff wellbeing needs poster

This resource highlights the importance of basic needs to help ensure our NHS people feel healthy at work.

23 September 2022

Rising cost of living: information pack

This pack provides key facts, resources and a summary of the areas employers may wish to explore to support staff with the rising cost of living.

7 September 2022

Annual allowance

Key information about annual allowance and which NHS Pension Scheme members may be affected.

28 June 2022

Lifetime allowance

Key information about the lifetime allowance and which NHS Pension Scheme members may be affected.

22 June 2022

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