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Showing 49 - 64 of 67 results

Piloting industry style placements

Read how one NHS trust piloted industry placements with BTEC health and care students, in partnership with their local college.

4 October 2021

Working and training in the NHS

Guidance for overseas-qualified medical practitioners, which provides information about work and training opportunities and immigration requirements.

19 May 2021

Prince's Trust career pathways

Our infographic shows the different NHS career pathways three young people have taken since completing a Prince’s Trust pre-employment programme.

22 March 2021

Digital tools for doing OD

A guide to working with a range of tools that can help do organisational development (OD) online.

5 March 2021

Implementing a just and learning culture

Read how Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust implemented a just and learning culture and the impact it has had on its workforce.

23 February 2021

Apprenticeship FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions from employers about apprenticeships.

24 November 2020

Nursing apprenticeship pathway

Read how the trust has used apprenticeships to increase its nursing supply by more than 100 nurses per year and decreased agency spend.

10 November 2020

Assistant practitioners

Find out how you can develop assistant practitioner roles in your trust and how other employers have used them in their organisations.

27 March 2020

Events & webinars

We hold a wide range of events, seminars and conferences.
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