NHS Staff Council principles for inclusive pay arrangements Read the NHS Staff Council principles for negotiating inclusive pay arrangements, developed specifically for midwifery continuity of care teams. 30 June 2021
Medical education and workforce We work with employers and stakeholders to gather and represent views on national changes to medical education and workforce supply. 29 June 2021
Deploying nursing associates across the system University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust has worked to increase the number of trainee nursing associate apprenticeships. 23 June 2021
Employer guidance on the new pay progression system for SAS doctors Download new guidance which explains pay progression for doctors appointed to the 2021 specialist and specialty doctor grades. 14 June 2021
HM Treasury guidance on special severance payments Find out more about the guidance issued by HM Treasury on special severance payments which sets out the government's position on their use. 27 May 2021
Reward strategy toolkit Use this toolkit to develop a succesful reward strategy for your organisation. 26 May 2021
NHS Staff Council on-call guidance The NHS Staff Council has developed a national framework of principles which underpin local negotiations to harmonise on-call arrangements. 24 May 2021
NHS redundancy arrangements It is important for NHS employers in England to be aware of the key issues involved in managing the redundancy process. 24 May 2021
Understanding and supporting staff with a hidden disability Watch our video and webinar recording to learn about the different types of hidden disabilities and how you can support staff in the workplace. 20 May 2021
How staff networks can support the health and wellbeing of staff Watch our webinar recording which explores how staff networks adapted during the pandemic and the crucial support they provide. 20 May 2021
Working and training in the NHS Guidance for overseas-qualified medical practitioners, which provides information about work and training opportunities and immigration requirements. 19 May 2021
Framework agreement for SAS contract reform 2021 Read the three-year agreement between NHS Employers and the British Medical Association for the new 2021 specialty doctor and specialist contract. 15 May 2021
Inclusive culture Find out how one NHS trust improved its culture by putting people first, engaging with staff and ensuring its recruitment process was inclusive. 12 May 2021
Virtual recruitment fairs Learn how South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust moved its open days online. 12 May 2021
Total Reward Statements Find out how you can use Total Reward Statements (TRS) in your organisation to help you communicate your reward benefits to staff. 26 April 2021
Fit and proper person regulation (FPPR) The regulation requires NHS trusts to check all executive and non-executive directors (or equivalent roles) are suitable and fit to do the role. 22 April 2021