The Big Thank You at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Read how extensive staff engagement formed the basis of an award-winning recruitment campaign. 4 November 2021
Increasing recruitment and retention through reward A comprehensive reward package played a vital role in improving recruitment and retention at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 18 October 2021
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training Published by the NHS Staff Council, this is a framework for the delivery of mandatory NHS equality, diversity and inclusion training for all staff. 15 October 2021
Enhancing menopause support at Sherwood Forest Hospital Foundation Trust Hear how a trust committed to keeping it's staff happy and healthy in work for longer, through a dedicated menopause strategy. 6 October 2021
The importance of board-level support to achieve nursing oversupply This case study looks at how HUTH achieved an oversupply of nurses and how it attracts young people to new types of roles. 20 September 2021
Using apprenticeships to support workforce supply An infographic exploring how apprenticeships can meet your workforce needs. 13 September 2021
An inclusive approach to disability leave This briefing provides an explanation of the different types of leave, the benefits of having a disability leave policy and shares good practice. 13 September 2021
Welfare facilities for healthcare staff The health, safety and wellbeing group (HSWG) has produced a welfare facilities guidance document for healthcare staff. 13 September 2021
Flexible working enablers poster This poster highlights the ten enablers to flexible working. 20 August 2021
Pastoral support and induction for international recruits This case study looks at what University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has done to effectively induct new overseas nurses over recent months. 17 August 2021
Reducing agency spend at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust Read how the trust achieved a consistent 98-99 per cent qualified nurse fill rate in its emergency department while reducing reliance on agency staff. 13 August 2021
How to recruit and support disabled staff in the NHS A toolkit to help NHS organisations encourage and support disabled applicants to apply for roles in the NHS and retain them. 2 August 2021
Developing aspirant ethnic minority nursing and midwifery leaders This pilot programme aims to provide holistic, bespoke clinical leadership support for aspiring ethnic minority nursing and midwifery leaders. 2 August 2021
Healthcare support workers infographic NHS Employers surveyed newly appointed healthcare support workers (HCSWs) in the North East and Yorkshire Region. 26 July 2021
Values based recruitment at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals A case study looking at how York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has reviewed and improved its VBR. 19 July 2021
Twelve top tips on staff engagement We’ve pulled together 12 top tips from the organisations that saw the most improvement on the NHS Staff Survey. 15 July 2021