Guidance for the GoSWH to identify contractual breaches Read our guidance for the guardians of safe working hours (GoSWH) to identify contractual breaches that incur a financial penalty. 19 June 2023
How the Step into Health programme supports pledged organisations Now you’ve pledged to Step into Health we have a range of benefits you can access. 19 June 2023
Salisbury NHS Trust's gold-standard commitment Find out how this trust has improved its commitment to its Armed Forces community. 19 June 2023
Supporting SAS doctor wellbeing at UHDB Read our case study with UHDB that highlights a wellbeing event the organisation held for its specialty and specialist (SAS) doctors. 19 June 2023
NHS pay deal in England - frequently asked questions Developed by the Department of Health and Social Care, these FAQs provide clarifying advice on pay, eligibility and implementation of the deal. 19 June 2023
What is the Job Evaluation Scheme? Our animation provides a simple overview of the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme. 9 June 2023
Our impact 2022/23 A summary of our key highlights, impact and research findings from Ipsos. 8 June 2023
Equality Delivery System 2022 The Equality Delivery System (EDS) was created to help NHS organisations improve their services and create work environments free of discrimination. 2 June 2023
Care workforce pathway for adult social care: call for evidence response Read the full joint response from NHS Employers and the ICB CPO Network to the care workforce pathway for adult social care call for evidence. 1 June 2023
Transforming Bedfordshire’s podiatry workforce Bedfordshire have transformed their podiatry services to increase the pipeline into the workforce, develop staff and embed a new leadership approach. 31 May 2023
Employers' guide to podiatry How to attract, recruit and retain podiatrists to transform your service. 31 May 2023
Nursing and midwifery national job profile review - evidence report The NHS Staff Council’s Job Evaluation Group evidence report on national job profiles (band 4 and above) for nursing and midwifery. 30 May 2023
Step into Health: the pledging process A step-by-step guide to support for organisations pledging to Step into Health, repledging or updating contact details. 26 May 2023
International Recruitment Fellowship Find out how NHS England South East developed a programme to support and learn from international recruits to improve recruitment and retention. 17 May 2023
Supporting integrated working through blended roles Read how Greater Manchester ICS integrated their workforce by developing blended roles within their communities. 17 May 2023
Providing rapid-access mental health services for NHS staff Learn how Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust created a rapid-access mental health service to support its staff. 16 May 2023