Response to DHSC consultation on regulation of NHS managers

NHS Employers has led this response on behalf of the NHS Confederation. Our response is informed by the views of chief executive officers, chairs, chief people officers and senior board workforce leaders across the NHS following a series of engagement activities.
The consultation seeks input on government proposals to regulate health service managers, ensuring they follow professional standards and are held to account. Views are also sought on whether to introduce a new professional duty of candour on managers and, in addition, to make managers accountable for responding to patient safety concerns.
Key messages from the NHS Employers consultation response include:
NHS leaders agree there should not be fear of accountability.
Any new regulatory framework needs to be clear in its purpose, aims and objectives, as well as, explicit in the problem it is seeking to resolve.
Regulation must be supported with robust standards for practice, professional development, clear and simple processes, just and restorative cultures, and underpinned by principles of fairness, equality and trust.
Regulation must be proportionate in its approach and positioned as an opportunity to raise the standards of the profession.
NHS leaders welcome the introduction of a new professional duty of candour.
For more information on the consultation proposals read the DHSC statement.