NHS health and wellbeing framework

Everyone should feel able to thrive at work. That is why we are working with NHS England (NHSE) and stakeholders across the NHS to offer increased support for NHS staff to improve their health and wellbeing.
NHS Employers worked closely with NHSE and stakeholders across the NHS in the design and development of the original NHS health and wellbeing framework back in 2018. The revised health and wellbeing framework has undergone a high-level culture change which has been updated in collaboration with health and wellbeing leads, human resource directors, organisational development directors, wellbeing guardians, managers, leaders and NHS staff.
This framework is an interactive document that makes the case for staff health and wellbeing, sets out clear actionable steps, and provides guidance on how organisations can understand what good health and wellbeing looks like and what can be achieved.
The framework is made up of four documents:
- Strategic overview - for senior board and executive leaders and health and wellbeing guardians.
- Elements of health and wellbeing - definitions of each of the seven elements of the NHS health and wellbeing model as well as evidence and rational for change.
- Diagnostic tool - an easy way to self-asses your organisation against each section of the NHS health and wellbeing framework.
- Implementation guide - practical planning and delivery guidance from initial diagnostic through to implementation.
Access the NHS England website to download these documents.
NHS England and stakeholders have also developed a guide to looking after your team's health and wellbeing to be used in addition to the health and wellbeing framework.