Tanya Carter
Tanya is the chief people officer for East London Foundation Trust.
Tanya leads on improving the experience of 7,000 staff, who provide community, mental health and primary care services to a population of around 1.5 million, across North East London and Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes. She has led the wellbeing agenda focusing on the wider determinants of health’ for staff since 2019.
Tanya has a wealth of HR experience spanning over 26 years, as a HR generalist, also specialising in employee relations. Tanya has worked across a number of senior roles within public sector organisations in health (acute, primary care and community), further education, local government and roles within the private sector including leisure, retail and professional services/management consultancy with PriceWaterhouseCooper (PwC). She has also lectured on undergraduate HR programmes.
Tanya is bold, authentic, and passionate about equity, diversity, inclusion, and staff wellbeing. Tanya’s focus has been the needs of the trust’s people, which has been achieved through innovation, quality improvement methodology and collaboration with service users, to improve people and culture policies and processes.
In October 2022 and September 2023, Tanya was named in the Health Service Journal's (HSJ) Top 50 most influential and/or powerful Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) leaders within health. In 2022, Tanya and her team won Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) Award for HR Team of the year, and Tanya was also crowned HPMA director of the year 2022.