Separate pay spine for nursing consultation

Have your say on the Department of Health and Social Care's call for evidence. This consultation has been published to explore and understand the benefits and challenges of introducing a separate nursing pay spine, as a way of addressing issues identified in the 2023 pay negotiations by the Royal College of Nursing.
This issues identified are in relation to:
- career progression
- professional development
- recruitment and retention of nursing staff.
This exploration does not form part of the Agenda for Change deal that was agreed with the NHS Staff Council and is separate to the many workstreams underway as part of that deal.
How to get involved
In the coming weeks, we will be consulting with employing organisations to inform an employer-led response.
We will be holding consultation events and will provide a supporting briefing document from our national engagement service. We’d also like to encourage you to involve your nursing leadership colleagues and invite them to attend with you.
Employers can also respond directly
Employers may also wish to respond individually, if there are specific issues and evidence relating to their workforce.
Access the call to evidence web page and respond online before Thursday 4 April 2024.