
NHS Confederation achieves Silver Defence Employer Recognition Award

This award recognises our work to support the Armed Forces community both as an employer, and wider advocate.

5 August 2024

The NHS Confederation is proud to announce that we have today achieved Silver award status in the United Kingdom's Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS). This is recognition from the Ministry of Defence of our work to support the Armed Forces community both as an employer, and wider advocate.    

We have built on our previous Bronze award with our continuing support for the Reservists, Veterans, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAV) and families within our own workforce. This not only reaffirms our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant, but also to reducing disadvantage for a diverse community rich in talent and transferable skills and inspiring our collaborative partners to do the same.  

Danny Mortimer, CEO of NHS Employers (which is part of the NHS Confederation), said, “The ERS silver award is an exciting recognition of the NHS Confederations’ continued commitment to the Armed Forces community within our workforce through inclusive and positive action.   

By providing a range of support, including additional paid leave for Reservists and CFAV to attend training both ourselves, and the wider NHS, benefit from skills and knowledge they bring back to and use in their roles. 

We are particularly proud to offer a paid internship for those veterans who find their military career curtailed unexpectedly through injury or sickness. The internship provides a soft landing into employment, and supports them to gain knowledge, skills and experience within the healthcare sector to support future employment. 

We are in a privileged position to influence and support our members through the Armed Forces Reserve and Step into Health programmes which are delivered via NHS Employers and congratulate our NHS colleagues on their awards alongside us today. 

We are looking forward to continuing to improve as a place for the Armed Forces community to work and thrive and are looking forward to achieving gold soon.”